This self assessment for BII will help to determine if you would benefit from a consultation with Dr. Whitfield and his BII team. Dr. Whitfield sees patients from all over the world. His BII recovery program includes top of the line lab testing, innovative technology and devices, BII curated supplements and more all in his Breast Implant Illness & Explant Clinic, headquartered in Austin,Texas.

How do YOU Feel - Breast Implant Illness unknowingly plagues millions of women every year. Sometimes as soon as a few months after implant surgery, women report feelings of fatigue, depression, brain fog and memory loss or generally feeling unwell.

Your Lifestyle: Your nutrition and fitness can severely affect surgical outcomes. Let’s assess your lifestyle and personal habits, be as honest as you can, there is no judgment here.

Your Breast Implant Illness Self-Assessment is now complete. Check your inbox shortly for your report!

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